Tips On How to Plan Your Surf-casting Day
How to Plan Your Surf-casting Day
As a fisherman, this section will have for a purpose to guide and light your way to surf-casting and you have to control from your side in order to grow as a fisherman. Planning a fishing journey is a crucial aspects if we are seeking to get a better results during each season, Handling and controlling these factors will be a plus for your fishing journey, we all agree and understand that there are certain place and time where you can go and fish, also if we plan to fish places that we do not usually go, either on vacation or on a fishing trip that we will organize.

I will try to give you some essentials ideas to arrange your days and how you ought to continue well ordered, also how to decode and pick, the conditions that favor your angling day.
Picking your location is a very important factor, choosing the location to which you will fish, take in consideration of your geographical orientation with respect how the prevailing winds at that moment will affect the waters of this beach, river or lake. You must install on your computer called Google Earth, where you can find any geographical point anywhere in the world and using the compass that will appear on the screen, you can see what the orientation of the beach to the north. By that its orientation and characteristics are, which will allow you to see how the winds reign at that moment and how it will affect your orientation.
Winds are the key is the main factor we must take into consideration before leaving fishing because they will be the ones that modify the state of the water. It’s responsible for moving or leaving the coastal waters, clean or dirty, even are the reason for the currents and sometimes even algae beach bottom. As a general rule, the beaches behave with respect to the winds that blow at that time; I will explain slightly how they affect according to the orientation of the beach. For this, we will make the idea that we are located on the beach, with our backs to the sand and just facing the sea. If the winds come just from behind our back, in another word from land to the sea will leave the water still and clean, it progressive since there are all the elements in delay, it will leave the bottom calm. The conditions of fishing with these winds are usually excellent since we will be able to fish without any setbacks, like strong waves, currents, the bottom of the sea and so on.
These are very favorable winds for summer seasons, although have if they remain active for long periods become a disadvantage, fishing is not usually very rich since the bottoms will remain standing and the food will not leave the surface layers easily. With these conditions, the set is facilitated and are ideal days to try it in fishing boats in which the fish move far enough from the coast, as flat beaches rich in food. The winds that come from the front or just from the sea to land, depending on its strength, the more force more waves, tend to move the waters and reveal the bottom sediments, in addition to food, of course. Usually, they are winds that if they allow us the fishing are very fruitful since the fish approach the coasts to be fed in hours of abundance. To face these winds the fisherman must adapt the fishing to difficult conditions, currents, strong swells, deep sea and especially to know which species are the ones to look for.
In fact, the crosswinds either from right or left, we have to take them into account according to their strength, but as a general rule until they do not blow hard, will not affect water conditions too much. Although it will depend on the orientation of the beach and if they are mixed with other components, still they are usually annoying winds because they create currents, bend in the threads and we must take into consideration its direction, particularly at the time to throw since we can cross Rods or make our lead or artificial fall in an unnecessary place.
We should put into consideration is the following, that the weak winds will change the appearance of the water very slowly and progressively, however, the sudden changes of wind when these blow with forces, will change the appearance and conditions of the water sharply and with them change the fishing conditions and the shape of it.
Mateo conditions and contrast winds, for this step, we can use several websites, since this consists only of looking at the weather that will reign the day we want to go fishing, to avoid bad times, especially when there are dangerous electrical storms, very dangerous when we use fiber rods of carbon, attractive fibers of lightning or very extreme adverse conditions, such as heavy downpours, extreme heat or any other setback. While we are consulting any of these pages, we can compare the information you give us with the information obtained in step 2 and thus obtain information about a factor as important as the winds, from two different sources.
Tide conditions are very ambiguous since there is no general rule; in fact, each beach has different characteristics so it will affect the tide differently. This section requires the amateur more knowledge about the tide, because as we said the tide affects differently some places than others and will be the experiences lived by the fisherman and the results obtained in previous days, which determine that Choose tide for each beach.
I hope this section helps you to go step by step learning how to plan your fishing day and not depend on other fishermen Grow As An angler man, it will make you more independent, complete and sure fans to get better results season after season.
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