When & When To Use & Tie Snaps or Snap Swivel to Your Fishing Lure
Today what I like to do is just go over those three areas with you, and share some tips in that regard so as far as tying direct go anytime.
A regular jig or if I am using live bait any direct ties. I always tie direct no need for a snap or a snap swivel, in fact, the less Hardware the better when it comes to tying jig it's more of a natural presentation and that will work perfectly and it also allows for a nice direct hook set.

When I use a snap if you are running a spoon example but any spoons viper spoons regular casting spoons I always use just a regular snap and the determining factor there is the Python darter, for example, it just wobbles as does the Viper spoon and most spoons wobble if the spoon just wobbles, all you need is a snap and that snap what it will do is allow the spoon it will maximize the action of your spoon and if you use the snap swivel there you don't need to swivel because nothing spinning and besides that swivel will actually absorb some of the action so and you definitely don't want to tie direct to a spoon if you tie direct it's choking the spoon off and believe it or not this snap will actually allow that spoon to work a lot freer and when you are looking at snaps look for one that has a bit of a nice round on the bottom if it has more of a point that also restricts the action so you want to maximize the action as much as possible and that single snap will do a great job.
In fact, it from running crankbaits the same thing with a crankbait, it doesn't spin it's just wobbling along. Use a snap swivel anytime you are running a lure that is spinning or a spoon that is spinning anything that is spinning or is going to spin on the end of your line, that will be the perfect time to run a snap swivel under those conditions, now on a jigging spoon what I would go with a single snap on a jigging spoon because the spoon is also going to wobble its way down but sometimes if you are concerned about lying twists if it's wobbling and it might be twisting on the way down then what I would do is I would run just a single snap to the spoon which will allow it to maximize its action then about a foot above my line I tie in just a regular inline swivel about a foot ahead and what that swivel will do a little it will absorb any line twists and by having just the snap on the bottom it will allow my spoon to maximize its action and hopefully put me on more fish and one last thing when it comes to 3-way swivels, the T turn are ideal because they come in three different sizes and they allow for absolutely a tangle free connection for any type of bottom bouncing trolling drifting casting any time you need a three-way connection the T turn comes in three sizes and fits the bill real nicely and because it's a 3-way swivel it swivels in all directions allowing no line twists either so I hope you've enjoyed today's tips it will definitely put you on the more fish.
In fact, it from running crankbaits the same thing with a crankbait, it doesn't spin it's just wobbling along. Use a snap swivel anytime you are running a lure that is spinning or a spoon that is spinning anything that is spinning or is going to spin on the end of your line, that will be the perfect time to run a snap swivel under those conditions, now on a jigging spoon what I would go with a single snap on a jigging spoon because the spoon is also going to wobble its way down but sometimes if you are concerned about lying twists if it's wobbling and it might be twisting on the way down then what I would do is I would run just a single snap to the spoon which will allow it to maximize its action then about a foot above my line I tie in just a regular inline swivel about a foot ahead and what that swivel will do a little it will absorb any line twists and by having just the snap on the bottom it will allow my spoon to maximize its action and hopefully put me on more fish and one last thing when it comes to 3-way swivels, the T turn are ideal because they come in three different sizes and they allow for absolutely a tangle free connection for any type of bottom bouncing trolling drifting casting any time you need a three-way connection the T turn comes in three sizes and fits the bill real nicely and because it's a 3-way swivel it swivels in all directions allowing no line twists either so I hope you've enjoyed today's tips it will definitely put you on the more fish.
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